Fishing Vessel | Seeker
95.7 x 36′ Trawler; F/V Seeker, Inc.
Originally built as a 92.7’ x 26’ Fishing Vessel at Johnson Shipbuilding & Repair, Bayou La Batre, AL in 1978. Hockema provided design, engineering, and support for several major conversion and modification projects completed at Fred Wahl Marine Construction between 2013 and 2021, including the following changes:
- Molded breadth of hull increased from 26’ to 36’.
- The vessel length was increased from 92.7’ to 95.7’.
- Sponson and Bulbous Bow additions to the hull.
- Fish hold capacity increased from 4,700 cubic feet to 6,300 cubic feet.
- A new Stability Booklet was provided.
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